Our Tutors

Our Teachers/tutors are mentors

Home tutoring requires a well-qualified, experienced teacher in the relevant field, and the tutor should know how to interact with students for the best results.
Highly-qualified tutors with deep knowledge of their subject matter and training in the best practices in teaching, tutoring, and online instruction can provide effective intervention in the learning process.

Om Tutors do the same, selects its tutors wisely, and gets assured that the tutor has a sound understanding of their concerned subject. . We take care of all skills that a good teacher/tutor should possess. We work to facilitate a culture of professional reflection and unmatchable quality among our team of tutors.

⦁ We begin the tutor selection process with initial interview to learn about the tutor’s experience and to check the skills of each candidate.  

⦁ The candidates who pass through the initial stage go on to another level of interviews with  om Tutor  directors and board members which helps in finding the most professionally equipped tutors available.

⦁ Following the hiring of our tutors, they are required to participate in a several week training session. In their online training sessions, tutors undergo an orientation to their respective technology platforms and then work with academic coordinators and veteran tutors, who assume a variety of student roles.

OUR TUTORS KRA’S(key resposible areas)

⦁ act in a friendly and patient manner , handle all sessions effectively and competently   
⦁ have excellent knowledge of their subject area
⦁ have experience with the technology used in tutoring
⦁ have knowledge of current teaching strategies and practices
⦁ possess organizational and efficiency skills

⦁ have the ability to  assess each student
⦁ exhibit integrity in interactions with all students
⦁ promote the overall development of each student
⦁ engage the student in the learning process using best practices
⦁ guide students through important concepts, rather than simply giving them the answers

keys to exceptional tutoring.

⦁ All of our tutors must focuses on both technological skill and online instructional practices.
⦁ Tutors must demonstrate competence in specific content areas, competence in online communication and instruction, and an understanding of the values that drive our practice.
⦁ Tutors should focus on the specific challenges and complexities of working with diverse mindsets students.

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